Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy:
We are committed to ensure long term customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing consistent quality services, and maintaining high level of environmental and human safety standards by the proactive involvement of all employees.
This shall be achieved by:
- Continual improvement in all activities for maintaining commercial building through training and adopting the best of all practices.
- Complying with all legal and other requirements.
- Reduction, Re-usage and recycling of all resources to conserve natural resources and through prevention of pollution.
- Creating awareness among all the employees and other interested parties in the organization by adopting safe working practices to prevent injuries and ill health.
Environment Health & Safety Policy
Bhoruka park private limited Strives to continually improve its EHS performance so as to protect, conserve, and restore our natural environment for the benefit of future generation
- Committed to sustainable development, we believe in managing the facility more efficiently, using fewer resources and which is economically viable.
- Generating minimal waste and complying with all applicable legal/ regulatory and other requirements to which it subscribes.
- Shall create awareness among all the employees and other interested parties in the organization by adopting safe working practices to prevent injury and ill health
- Commitment to continually improve the effectiveness of the prevention of pollution by reviewing the EHS objectives periodically.
Towards these we pledge to create environment, occupational health and safety awareness among our employees, customers, Suppliers and the community at large
No Gift Policy
No person employed in the company shall accept gifts of any kind, (except Diaries/Calendars printed with company name/group logo) of any value from any person (suppliers, contractors, vendors, customers, consultants, bankers & from any employees of our subsidiary group etc) with whom he/she is interacting in his/her official capacity either in office/residence or outside at any other place.
Gifts include diwali sweets, any puja sweets, Tickets to sporting or entertainment events, kickbacks, in the form of money or merchandise, special discounts specifically to any Bhoruka Park Pvt Ltd Employee/Staff.
- Any gift received in Employees absence , the same will be returned back to the sending party with a Thank you note from the receiver or from representative of BPPL.
- Accepting gifts can cause a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict between personal interest and professional responsibility.